concentrated woman carrying stack of cardboard boxes for relocationPhoto by Andrea Piacquadio

If you haven’t heard of Swedish death cleaning yet, you’re in for an eye-opening concept. In a nutshell, it’s about tidying up your life before you depart, sparing your loved ones from the burden of sorting through your belongings. Comedian Amy Poehler sums it up perfectly: it’s “cleaning out your crap so that others don’t have to do it when you’re gone.” This Scandinavian tradition, popularized by Margareta Magnusson’s book, aims to declutter your home and simplify your life, focusing on quality over quantity. But it’s not just about practicality; it’s also about enriching your life and celebrating your memories. There are benefits for both you and your loved ones. While it may seem daunting, there are tips and tricks to make Swedish death cleaning manageable, like starting with your closet, taking a large-to-small approach, and involving your loved ones in the process. And don’t think it’s only for older individuals; people of all ages can benefit from this life-changing practice.


Your Guide to Swedish Death Cleaning (

By Donovan Adkisson

Editor in Chief of Tifton Talks | Managing Director of Tifton Media Works, LLC

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Albert Coburn
Albert Coburn
3 months ago

My mother did that, down to planning her funeral and the outfit she wanted put on her. A man in my Sunday School Class had hired a woman to come in and help him put things in order, even paying for his funeral expenses. Death happens to everyone. The less stress on those left behind, the better.

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