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A federal judge, Steve Jones, has mandated the redrawing of Georgia’s congressional and state legislative districts before the 2024 election due to the current maps, drawn by Republican lawmakers, being found in violation of the Voting Rights Act. The ruling follows a challenge from civil rights and religious groups, asserting that Georgia’s Black population growth didn’t equate to fair political representation. The state is likely to appeal this decision. The new maps could potentially yield an extra U.S. House seat for Georgia Democrats in Metro Atlanta and lessen Republican majorities in the state legislature. This case raises issues regarding the interplay of race and party affiliation in voting and the distinction between partisan and racial gerrymandering. The ruling holds significance in the broader context of addressing voting rights and representation concerns, especially in the Southern U.S.

What is the Voting Rights Act?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a significant piece of federal legislation in the United States that aimed to eliminate racial discrimination in voting. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the height of the Civil Rights Movement. The act consists of several key provisions, but its primary purpose is to enforce and protect the voting rights of racial and ethnic minorities, particularly African Americans who faced widespread discrimination and barriers to voting.

Key provisions of the Voting Rights Act include:

  1. Section 2: This section prohibits any voting practices or procedures that discriminate on the basis of race, color, or membership in a language minority group. It applies nationwide and has been used to challenge various voting-related issues, such as voter ID laws and gerrymandering.
  2. Section 5 (Historical Provision): This provision required certain jurisdictions with a history of discriminatory voting practices to obtain federal preclearance before making any changes to their voting laws or procedures. The jurisdictions covered by Section 5 were determined by a formula based on historical discrimination. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively invalidated this section in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, ruling that the formula was outdated. As a result, the preclearance requirement is no longer in effect.
  3. Section 4 (Coverage Formula): This section outlined the formula for determining which jurisdictions were subject to the preclearance requirement of Section 5. Since the formula was invalidated by the Supreme Court in the Shelby County case, Section 5 is no longer in force.
  4. Section 203: This section addresses language minority voting rights, requiring that certain jurisdictions provide election materials and assistance in languages other than English in areas with significant non-English-speaking populations.

The Voting Rights Act has played a crucial role in increasing minority voter participation and combating discriminatory voting practices. While Section 5’s preclearance requirement is no longer in effect, the Act continues to be used to challenge voting practices that discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity. It remains a cornerstone of U.S. civil rights legislation and a significant tool in safeguarding the voting rights of all citizens.


A judge says Georgia’s congressional maps must be redrawn : NPR

Judge says Georgia’s congressional and legislative districts are discriminatory and must be redrawn | AP News

Judge orders new Georgia political maps to ensure Black representation (

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